The Moon in Tehuti
Above is an Ancient Khametic/ Egyptian bas relief showing the Ibis headed Diety, Tehuti praising Ausar, the Incorruptible One. Tonight is the new moon in Tehuti who resides on the second sphere on the Tree of Life, positioned just below Ausar, and is the mouthpiece of Ausar. Known as the God of Wisdom, Tehuti is the inventor of writing, patron of scribes and the divine mediator. He is most often represented as a man with the head of an ibis, holding a scribal palette and reed pen. He dispenses for Ausar, wisdom of all times.
In our current information age it is easy to confuse knowledge with wisdom, but the two are worlds apart. On The Tree of Life, knowledge is found on the 8th sphere ruled by Mercury. Knowledge is information that is acquired from the external gathering of data, starting with gossip and hearsay all the way up to “higher learning.” Wisdom on the other hand, comes from the deep recesses of the inner plane via getting in touch with that sacred part of yourself by looking deeply, meditating and contemplation upon the laws of the Universe, cosmogony and thereby, gaining divine insight.These next 30 days are a most auspicious time to deepen your mediation, to take quiet time, be reflective, and to tap into the energy that will be pervasive throughout this new lunar cycle. A doorway is open in the Universe so to speak, to grow and deepen your wisdom faculty. The above practices done consistently, can lead to gaining keen insights into the mysteries of your own life and the world around you. Look within!Tehuti is from the second sphere on the Tree of Life. It's Day is Thursday, ruled by the planet Jupiter. Colors are blue and white. It's number is 8 and its gems are yellow sapphire, and lapis lazuli. Time of the year is the full Moon in Sagittarius.