Sea Scape for Mommy

My mother gave me the love of the ocean, the sea. Living in the small, southern beach town of Norfolk, Virginia without much to do for fun except play our childhood games, my mother would often take us to the beach. She loved the beach, and she passed that love on to us.

Until a few years ago, I believed that deviled eggs were only for going to the beach! I finally ditched that idea and started making them for breakfast on a regular basis. Mommy would fry chicken, make deviled eggs, select a sweet watermelon along with other snacks, and take her children to the beach for a day of sun, fun, and splashing in the water. 

I personally longed to be a mermaid and would do my own version of swimming out as far as possible. My mom would often call out for me to come back closer to shore. Even after moving to New York, we continued going to the beach, since we still lived in a state with a seashore.

Riis Beach was the major hangout for me and my teenage friends during those summers. We would spend the day tanning, then shower and put on makeup with our hot pants and platform shoes, as we prepared for the dance party on the beach's basketball court. DJ Flowers & Dice would blast the latest banging sounds; that was a serious jam! Hundreds of people would show up for those Saturday night beach parties. I still relish this bit of 70's nostalgia.

Later, when I attended Howard University, swimming class was a graduation requirement, so I finally learned to do a proper breaststroke. I still long to be a mermaid, but most of all, I am grateful that my mom gave me her love of the sea and her penchant for spending time at the beach.

Anu Essentials Sea Scape Natural Perfume is an ode to our Great Mother (the Divine), and to my mother. With notes of bergamot, jasmine, ambergris (sperm whale excretion), seaweed, and violet leaf, we offer you the beauty of the sea, with Sea Scape.


A Summer Warning


Art History Blossoms in Brooklyn