Texture Definition with Anu Essentials Curling Cream

 Anu Prestonia Blue Hair 2

I am delighted to share with you how I style my hair using Anu Essentials Line of products. I’ve received so many compliments on my hair and have been asked countless times, how I achieve the healthy and lush look of my coils.   So I’ve decided to share my process and offer tips on how to achieve texture definition and conditioning.  It has been a journey for me to figure out what works best for my hair because for so many years I wore protective styles, braids, twists, extensions, Locs, Sister Locks, etc. Now that I wear my out and loose without extensions or Locs, I too need conditioning and styling agents to give my hair that pop. And one of my favorite ways of achieving this is by using Anu Essentials Curling Cream.There are a few steps before using the Curling Cream because for best results it should be used on clean, wet hair.

anu essentials curling creamOur lush Curling Cream

The Anu Essentials Curling Cream is a moisturizing and conditioning agent that elongates your texture while adding texture definition. It also allows your tendrils the ability to be separate, to be individual as opposed to the strands of your hair clinging together.

Anu Essentials Shampoo and Deep Conditioner2My Essential Beginning Combo

To explain this further allow me share with you my weekly regimen, since cutting and coloring my hair

  • Each week I shampoo my hair using the Nourishing Cleansing Gel Shampoo
  • I follow this up by using the Down Under Deep Conditioner.   It adds that extra hydrating and conditioning treatment my  hair requires.
  • After applying the Deep Conditioner and while it's still in my hair, I comb through my hair removing all tangles and knots.  During this comb out the hair that would have shed had I been combing my hair through on a daily basis, is removed in this comb out.
  • I only comb through my hair when it is completely wet and has conditioner in it.
  • After combing through my hair with the Deep Conditioner in, I then cover my hair with a shower cap and leave it on for approximately 20 minutes.  The heat from my head allows the conditioner to penetrate deeper into the shaft of my hair nourishing and moisturizing thoroughly.
  • After 20 minute or so, I remove the cap
  • I then rinse the conditioner out of my hair using cool water to seal in the moisturizing agents. Using hot water will melt the conditioning agents and send them spiraling down your drain.


Anu Essentials Herbal Hair Oil 3 Anu Essentials Oil - Herbal scented with real French Lavender Oil

Now for the Styling

  • After towel drying my hair, I lightly oil my hair and scalp using Anu Essentials Hair Oil while my hair and scalp are still wet.
  • I then begin to add the styling products. My hair is approximately 3-5 inches long. At this length and with the average thickness of my hair, I pump 8 squirts of the Curling Cream into a bowl along with 3 squirts of Soft Set Gel and mix them together in a small bowl.
  • I then take small scoops of the Curling Cream and Soft Set Gel combo and finger comb (shingle) them through my hair.
  • After I have finger combed the product throughout my entire head, I sit under a hooded dryer. Or if it’s really hot and dry outside you can air dry your hair; but the best results occur when the hair is dried under a dryer.  It usually takes only 10 minutes to dry.
  • The entire process takes 30-40 minutes.

 Anu Prestonia - Anu EssentialsThe must-have Essentials to nourish, moisturize and define my texture and achieve my look

After my hair is completely dried my hair appears individually coiled, shiny and healthy. I then use an Afro Pick to lift the and shape my hair.  But never do I pull the pick all the way through when styling it.  At this point I  just use the Afro Pick to lift, shape and style.  As each day goes by and I sleep on my hair, work out, get exposed to the elements,  the individual coils began to cling together until my hair looks like a tightly woven rug.   When I want my coils to appear more individual, I repeat the entire process starting with the shampooing etc. And how soon I repeat this process on how soon my hair begins to loose that lengthened and individually coiled look.  It can take anywhere from 4-7 days before I have to repeat my regimen again.   I've done this regimen so often that my hair is now trained, it now has style memory. If you hair is shorter than 3-5 inches you will need less product. If it is longer you will need more.   In order to avoid product residue, be mindful that all our products are concentrated and a little goes a long way.   Your hair shouldn’t appear opaque white, but a clear creamy look when applying the styling products.  For best results refrain from using an excessive amount because it's not necessary nor is it cost effective. 

Enjoy the process of learning what works best for your tendrils, coils, kinks, curls...

For more information on how to use our products feel free to contact us at





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