Spring Cleaning through Fragrance

The promise of spring with its renewal, softening, and awakening of the earth, the blossoming of the trees and flowers, ushers in a most exhilarating season.  With spring comes spring cleaning: clearing out the old, stagnant energy, opening windows and bringing in the breeze of this season of hope.  It is the perfect time, not only for cleaning, clearing, and throwing out or repurposing what’s no longer needed physically, but with the power of the equinox, it is also a great time to cleanse your consciousness spiritually and energetically as well.


To that end, burning resins to purify and perfume the air is an ancient tradition that is very much in vogue today.  It is because of this reason that I have added two more resin incense sticks to our selection: they are Sacred Sage Resin Incense, which is available now, and Sage and Cedarwood Resin Incense, which will be available in a few more weeks.  You can preorder now, and as soon as we receive the shipment of the Sage and Cedarwood Resin Sticks, your order will be shipped out to you. In the meantime, remember you can also order a sample of each of our resin sticks.Many of us are aware of the white sage leaves for purifying, an ancient practice called smudging.  

However, it’s not always convenient to deal with the level of smoke and the flying embers of burning sage leaves (which is why I’ve never carried it).  With our Sacred SageIncense Sticks, you can experience the convenience of cleansing and purifying your space with our sage incense resin sticks without the messiness and potential danger of burning the leaves. Of course, you can always opt to use the famed frankincense and myrrh. Our Royal Hojari Frankincense is of top-shelf quality.


Sage has long been considered a sacred herb. Perhaps that where the term sage advice comes from. Sage is also a relaxant, mood booster and relieves stress while purifying.  Sage is one of the essential oils used in our Centering Spiritual Spritzer.Cedarwood is well known due to cedar chests and cedar closets traditionally used for storing clothing to protect them against vermin like moths.  Cedarwood is a powerful herb of protection, often used for its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Our Courage Spritzer is formulated with cedarwood. I have been working with these two elements for a while -- sage and cedarwood -- and can attest to their ability to do the work they are lauded for performing.  Energetically cleanse and purify your space with Anu Essentials Home FragranceSage Resin Incense Sticks.


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