Getting to Sleep & Staying Asleep

Arguably, one of the greatest tortures of modern times is sleep deprivation.  And though the techniques below can be tremendously helpful, I have found that nothing works better than mind-over-matter.  What I mean is that controlling your breath and your thoughts is the best way to win the war with sleep deprivation. Ultimately, our thoughts are what keep us entangled and awake.  So, with that in mind, here is my first recommendation:

Mindfulness Meditation- This is a link to a description of mindfulness breathing practice by Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh: When breathing in, say to yourself, “I know I am breathing in; when breathing out, say to yourself, “I know I am breathing out.”  If you can control your mind to only think of these words while you are saying them and following their instructions, you can fall asleep during the process.

Date Night With the Wall- Although easier to do if you sleep alone, the cooperation of a sympathetic partner can still help you achieve this occasional practice:  Place yourself on your back with your head towards the foot of your bed and your hips to the headboard.  Stretch your legs and feet up the headboard and onto the wall and then allow yourself to fall into a relaxing sleep.  Be patient; you may have to shift yourself a little here and there to find the positioning that will allow stillness.  Following this technique will help you sleep very deeply, even if you do not fall asleep right away. 

Yoga or Stretching- This link takes you to one of my favorite online yoga classes which, if done in its entirety, will relax you and help you sleep more deeply.  I find that the teacher's voice alone is enough to relax me.

Hot Bath - A hot bath with bubbles and one of Anu Essentials naturally scented soaps, luxe body oils, etc. will also help you to sleep better, and more deeply.

Sleeping with an Eye Mask - If you are light-sensitive, an eye mask that blocks the light, may allow you to sleep longer and deeper.

And of Course - Not enough can be said about refraining from engaging with any and all electronics, even television, for at least two hours before bedtime.  If you can manage to make this a habit, it will naturally help you to unwind and therefore sleep better.Here’s wishing you a deep and restful sleep tonight!


Scaly, Cracked Skin - Yikes!


Dearest Ruth