Rose Season at The Brooklyn Botanic Garden
It's been a strange spring (think climate change) or at least a very late one, in terms of the weather. So it wasn't until this past weekend that I finally made it to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden to check out the roses. It was an amazingly beautiful day, clear and crisp with very warm temps. A perfect day to be at the garden. I arrived late and had to rush through taking pics with my new camera, a Canon 70D, a real upgrade for me. This would be my first time using it and I was excited.
I didn't have time to write down the names of any of these roses. But I did take the time to smell each one. Most of the fragrances were quite light. I wondered if that had more to do with the time of day or the time in the season. After all, we're in late spring now, well into the rose season. But it may have had to do with my sense of smell as it was late in the day and the strongest sense of smell we humans have, is in the early morning. Still it was a delight. Each rose and its scent, so uniquely different.
It's always such an enchanting experience to be at the rose garden and this Sunday was no exception. Many rose lovers posing with flowers with loved ones took their pics with their smart phone.
Serious photographers were there too, focused on the flowers themselves. While it was quite warm there were also strong breezes and so the flowers were dancing, swaying to and fro at times. I found myself holding my breath, while waiting for the wind to stop and the flower to land in its perfect pose.
I was sadden when the security began to make announcements that the rose garden was closing and we needed to make our way to the exists. It was like being with a long lost love, for too short a time... until next time. If you live in the NY area and you haven't made your way to the Cranford Rose Garden, put it on your list. Or at least stop and smell the roses in your travels, they are pleasantly all around the city these days in both public and private gardens.In the meantime you should know that the foundation products for Anu Essentials hair grooming, our Shampoo, Conditioner and Deep Conditioner are all scented with real rose oil. In addition to the other healing herbs and oils in these products for healing and repairing the hair and scalp, the scent of the rose oil in our products offers a soft, delicate scent and has a soothing affect on the heart and mind.
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