Maintain Your Inner Independence
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With the help of my meditations, using the Spiritual Spritzer and the kind words of my friend Imani (a name that means, faith or trust) I have reclaimed my center and I'm back! Please feel free to unsubscribe to this newsletter and or blog if it is not for you. I know how it is. We have a limited amount of time and we should spend it doing what inspires us. I realize that what I have to say is of value to someone and if I am able to encourage just one person to follow the road that will bring that person closer to a healthy, wholesome and or enlightening perspective or inspire them to take a closer look at the beauty they share with this world, then I've met my goal. That is my mission. Have a most beauty-filled day![/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]