Autumn Reset

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As we move head on into October I’m experiencing that feeling I often have during early autumn, a mixture of yes and no, of delight and dread.  Early autumn is typically beautiful, the weather is temperate, and the trees turn radiant shades of red, orange and yellow. It’s a nostalgic time, reminiscing on summer. It is also a time to settle in for the last quarter of the year.

Autumn is a new beginning like all of the other seasons. When spring is on the horizon you hear all kinds of tips on spring-cleaning. I believe those same kind of practices should happen in autumn.

The Forgotten Sense

There was a time when we depended on our sense of smell to survive.  Today our sense of smell is so underutilized compared to our other senses that we can no longer find our way using our nose.  But it is a very beautiful sense that we can reawaken.  Here are several ways to use natural essences to cleanse, add fragrance to and inspire your life.


This is another great opportunity to pass on and rid your space of those items from the summer that you didn’t use or will wear this year.  Let go of those things that are cluttering your environment, no longer suit your taste or give you joy. Before, during and after your purge you can cleanse and fragrance your home of stagnant energy by burning sacred resins, an ancient practice of indigenous people around the planet.

In a hurry, on the go, no time to burn resins, then our Refresh Spritzers are ideal for spur of the moment odors and are especially effective for subduing sudden foul odors.

Perhaps bigger changes in your living space are needed. As I look around my home, I’m thinking of all the things that I’d like to have done and I’m making a list.  Like most home improvements or repairs, the items on this list are costly, so a plan has to be made.  Get your plans going.  Write them down and check them off as you accomplish one and then the next. As we witness devastation of the homes of many, due to severe weather, I am all the more grateful to have a home.  I believe that we should give daily thanks for our homes.  Things can change on a dime, so Give Thanks!

Some of us live part of our lives in our cars.  Be sure to cleanse that space too.  Cars can get grimy and stale-smelling.  Have your car cleaned and detailed, if necessary, and then keep your Spritzer handy for whenever you need to refresh the air or yourself.


During autumn it’s a good time for an internal cleansing.  Include some green juices or purifying teas in your regimen.  Add bitters to your diet, a little chicory and dandelion in your salad to rejuvenate your liver.  Load up on the Vitamin C to fortify your overall health.

Make a plan to get back to the gym, include some form of exercise that you can stick to or get creative with what you’re already doing to invigorate your body.  Book a private yoga session with yours truly and receive an assessment of your flexibility and a gentle, practical practice that you can incorporate into your daily routine.


Autumn is also the time that you may find your skin drier from being out in the summer’s sun.  It is time to remove that layer of ash with our Body Polishes chocked with rich, luscious oils. Our Sugar Polish will help you rid your body of dead skin cells in a sweet way.  Follow that up with our moisturizing Body Butters to baby your skin.  And don’t forget to book your seasonal hair trim.

During those times when you need  a quick way to refresh yourself is when our Refresh Spritzers come to the rescue.  I use them when I feel a hot flash coming on. That Spritz seems to quall the degree of sweating and it certainly refreshes me and has the benefit of a calming effect.


There are some people who are acutely aware of how the change in seasons, the shortening of daylight impacts their overall mood.  Be sure you’re not too busy to include spiritual practices to keep you going on that elevated vibe.  Everything else can wait.  You can enhance your spiritual practice, whether it’s prayer, bible study, listening to gospel, chanting, meditating ~ use our Spiritual Spritzers before you begin your practice.  Simply spritz yourself and or the space you’re in a few times to enhance and energize positive vibrations.  This will assist in uplifting your mood and positively altering your perspective.

All of our Spiritual Spritzers are made with organic, tinctured herbs and essential oils, from nature, from God’s pharmacy.  Spraying them will alter the molecules in your surrounding space.  When spraying your Spritzer be intentional.  Have an idea in mind of what you wish to accomplish, then breathing slowly and deeply, inhale and experience the aroma of the Spritzer.  Exhale slowly releasing anything that doesn’t serve your highest good.  Inhale and exhale slowly several times while spraying the Spritzers. Feel the shift in thoughts and energy as you proceed.

Happy Autumn!



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