Across The Sea a String of Love - Original Perfume Poetry by Monica Miller
maya k doree le- Across The Sea A String of Love
Original perfume poetry ~ by Monica Miller
Sea Scape Natural Perfume Anu Essentials
I can smell the sea foam my lovemaya k doree le- string of love across the seaI can smell the rocks on the mountain sideand the ambergris from the shoremaya k doree le, string of love, are you coming to me?the flowers so delicate, so tremulous(violet leaves)they cling to the mountain as my thoughts cling to youmaya k doree le, by a string of love are you coming to me? I can taste your salt sweat, like the ocean between us, are you coming to me?(seaweed tendrils)is this string so tender that it brings me soft kisses? maya k doree le, the string of loveIs the string so strong that it brings me your weighty firm flesh?maya k doree le , string of loveis the string so piercing that it can shatter even the most powerful of obstacles? vetiver roots hold back the tideis the string so forgiving that it will displace shame and fear?spikenard heals deep wounds is the string so transparent that it outshines even the crystal mountain?lemon drops purifyis this string so true that you will not forget me?rose petals prepare the bed of love give me your hands lover , that I might anoint them with spikenardas Mary Magdalene annointed the feet of Jesusgive me your heart lover, that I might paint it with roseswhen the string of love binds you to megive me your wrists lover, that I might hold them with frankincensewhen the string of love ties us forevergive me your body lover that I might own it in eternity when the string of love cannot be brokenmarry me lover my devotion is yoursthe string of love is wet with tears and jasmine dewmaya k doree le the string of love is musky as sandalwood, strong as vetiver grass, pure as white sage, devoted as spikenard, heartfelt as roses, sacred as frankincense, and vast as the sea,maya k doree le,the string of love, across the ocean, draws you to me.
Seascape by Anu EssentialsThank you Monica Miller for writing this great piece. Please spend some time on her website at The Perfume Pharmer